1. Tell us a bit about yourself

I run our Taproom and manage Functions & Events across all three of our venues. Although I’ve got a Bachelors, Honours & Masters in Biomedical Science, I’ll always love working in hospo – hence why I’m here! My boyfriend and I love finding new places to eat and checking out what other venues have to offer. We even have this rule where we’re not allowed to visit a restaurant twice, that way we have no excuse but to keep exploring!

2. What’s your favourite all-time beer and why?

Wild Yak Pacific Ale will always hold a special place in my heart. It was my go-to drink when I turned 18 and its fruity melon flavours acted as a stepping stone over to my new favourite – our Mosaic IPA.

3. What do you find most fascinating about beer?

The science side of me is entranced by the nerdy parts of the beer brewing process and how we can turn 4 main ingredients into an endless number of brews!

The hospitality side of me just loves how it brings people together. It’s the perfect excuse to catch-up with friends, create memories and enjoy yourself.

4. When did you start working at Akasha and what made you want to work for Akasha?

I started in the Taproom back in 2022 but that was pretty short lived when I decided to move to London until late 2023. I’ve always been drawn to the friendly atmosphere in the Taproom and the incredible team here, so when I moved back to Sydney, I asked Dave if there were any jobs available behind the bar and next thing I know, I’m managing it!

5. What do you like best about Akasha’s culture?

We do what we love, and we love what we do. It almost feels like a family business – the way we’re all so passionate about the company, our products and each other. We’ve managed to bring together an incredible group of people whom I am honoured to be a part of.

6. What do you enjoy most about managing the Akasha taproom?

My favourite part of the job is easily being able to interact with our customers. They really are the lifeblood of our venue and as the manager, I always want to be developing and growing the Taproom to ensure they feel welcomed and genuinely enjoy their time here.

7. If Akasha could produce any drink (not limited to beer), no matter how outlandish, what would you want it to be and why?

What’s the Akasha equivalent of a can of White Monster Ultra?

8. If you have only $10 left in your wallet, what would you get at the shops?

A can of White Monster Ultra, two sushi rolls and a lotto ticket.